Paige Peterson
Release cycle and 1.0.11
We continued our discussions for refining the release process this week and decided to extend the release cycle overall by 2 more weeks starting with 1.0.12. This puts us in a better position for having adequate time to do a release candidate and proper testing before the full release. The last couple of releases saw delays due to lack of time so we’re adjusting the cycle now to avoid having more last minute postponements. We’ll continue to do retrospectives on the release cycle for any other adjustments that may help us.
1.0.11 release is currently scheduled for this Monday, July 31st but might slip another day or two. We finished up reviewing and merging pull requests for the RC which should be ready shortly, however since we intended for the RC to be out yesterday and there’s a chance that testing will take longer than expected or bugs will be found, there’s a chance of a release mid-next week instead. We’ll keep you all updated on
this thread with concrete decisions.
More progress is being made on XCAT and this week a test transaction between Zcash and Bitcoin test networks was successfully executed. Currently the demo requires full nodes with synced blockchains so the next step is working on an implementation that can use light clients. We intend to have an internal meeting on this next week to demo the process further and figure out the last steps before we release a working version for the public.
More discussion happened this week about the Sapling upgrade, particularly in relation to asymmetric payment construction (
We also released a first in a series about Sapling:
“Cultivating Sapling: New Crypto Foundations”.
We’re starting to look into another round of security audits as we want to maintain a regular schedule for auditing the core code.
We set up a clearer communication channel with Poloniex for future issues that they might run into or for any support they want to request from us. Our announcement related to the recent Poloniex downtime is posted