Paige Peterson
1.0.15 release & Overwinter
This week we continued onwards with the
1.0.15 release which includes Overwinter specification and implementation. While Overwinter implementation is the priority, we hope for the release to address other issues as well (all of which can be viewed in the above link). We added an improvement proposal draft for the Overwinter
transaction format and joins other drafts related to Overwinter including
transaction expiry,
signature hashing and
network upgrade mechanism.
Sapling & Powers of Tau
Integration strategy and design work are continuing for the Sapling network upgrade. We’re also charging ahead with the
Powers of Tau ceremony which has around 40 participants so far. But we’re looking for many many more!! If you want to join this ongoing multi-party computation round which will be used for the zk-SNARK public parameters in Sapling, now is your chance! At some point, we’ll need to take a snapshot of this ceremony for use in the second round but we haven’t determined the cut off date yet. That said, the final integration of Sapling code is approaching fast so we highly encourage those interested to join the
mailing list and declare your intent to participate and date of availability. Attestations from prior participants are available in the mailing list
archives if you are looking for some inspiration or ideas.
UX & Documentation
We added a
UX checklist for wallet developers and you can read our
blog post for some background on the intent of the checklist. We should have a PDF version of this list available on that page soon and plan on expanding it as our research continues and understanding of various UX aspects improve.
Look out for documentation on the Overwinter upgrade for users and third-party developers in addition to an introductory blog post explainer about the recent additions of incoming viewing keys and the payment disclosure experimental feature. Please let us know if you have any feedback about these features that we can improve upon in future releases.
We’re also playing around with the new OpenBazaar support for a Zcash full node which is in release candidate stage and will share some guidelines for using OB + Zcash when the release is out!
SF Cryptocurrency Devs
Finally, two Zcash engineers will be giving a talk at the
San Francisco Cryptocurrency Devs meetup next Wednesday. If you’re in the area, be sure to join us! If you’re not in the area, watch the livestream!