By Elise Hamdon
This is our fortnightly community and communications update; last week’s engineering update is available here.
Please feel free to peruse and work onthe “Encouraged Community Work” GitHub board for things that the Company can’t get to in the next 4 months that people in the community are likely to have the context to work on.
From the blog
We kicked off a new blog series to profile the people behind Zcash technology; this week we featured Daira Hopwood, Engineer and Protocol Designer.
Alejandro Machado and Jill Carlson wrote a guest post on the blog this week, researching the practical viability of cryptocurrency as a tool to overcome economic repression and hyperinflation in Venezuela.
Mark your calendar! Zcon1 will take place June 22–24 in Split, Croatia. The Foundation will announce additional details in the coming weeks. Stay tuned!
This week Least Authority released details about the Private Periodic Payment Protocol, or P4, which aims to define the way in which subscription services can be funded using end-to-end private cryptocurrency payments. P4 incorporates the use of Zcash shielded transactions for private payments and leverages the Tor1 anonymity network’s onion services to radically reduce the amount of personally identifiable information (PII) available to merchants. In addition, P4 introduces periodicity to cryptocurrency payments by bootstrapping a secure channel between customers and merchants (using the SPAKE2-based “magic-wormhole” library) through which invoices can be delivered and paid.