Here are your weekly Zcash updates:
- Release 4.3.0 is out!
- Pacu ran a workshop on creating a basic view key only point of sale system at the Hello Decentralization Conference. Watch the replay here.
- Zeal call and Arborist call recordings are up on Youtube.
- ECC is hiring a Regulatory Relations lead as well as other technical positions. ZF is hiring as well! ZOMG is looking for reactnative devs. Spread the word!
Mark your calendars –
- Tues, 3/2: Gardening Club w/ guests Brian Hoffman (from OpenBazaar) and Gemini
Community Shout Outs – Shoutout to @wobbzz for setting up a ZcashWiki 3. Shout out to @just_Zart and @carls for sharing your zcash art with the world! Check out The Zeal Battles the Troll Bear – Part 3 and this psychedelic portrait.
- 4.3.0-RC1 Released and Tested
- 4.3.0 Tested, Released
- Detectors updated
- Apt packages uploaded
- Testnet faucet updated
- Debug binaries are now uploaded with every release
- Explorer.z.cash decommissioned, explorer.testnet.z.cash updated
- Making great progress on Orchard specification and draft ZIPs for NU5
- Working toward the Draft ZIP Submission Deadline, March 1st
- Finished the outline of Halo 2 security proof
- Merged the hash to curve PR
- Migrated to traits from the group crate (see the PR here)
- Making progress on backporting upstream PRs
- SIP Hash
- Landed two PRs that were opened in December 2017
- We’ve added comprehensive changelogs to our Rust crates
- Working on dependency security (“redwood”)
- Started project Ouroboros to attack Halo – it has its own board
- Learning prereqs (inner product argument, Fiat-Shamir, SafeCurves, Poseidon)
- Engaging with security assessment vendors for NU5 assessments
- Team-wide design sprint focused on Handling Multiple Addresses
- Bug flow statistics